Published by Jason
on Friday, November 17, 2006 at 4:35 AM. 

We tore down the last wall today. The staff kitchen was behind this wall so we left it for last. The staff are now using my office for the break room. The wall was originally built with 1 x 12 tongue & groove slats for the bottom portion, 1/4" plywood for the top, and drywall on the other side. No studs. Even so, it was more difficult to take down this wall than the other walls which were standard drywall with studs 16" on center. The lighting guys are coming today to remove the fluorescent lights. Now we can finally see the space in it entirety,
Published by Jason
on Wednesday, November 15, 2006 at 11:51 AM. 

Why no updates in a while? If I were to update every day or every other day even, the posts would all be the same: Scraping, scraping, scraping. We're more than 75% complete. The ceiling is finished and we're just working on the brick. We need to start thinking about wall finishes. I tested a few spots with paint, clear-coat polyurethane and a pickling finish. It looks like either Poly or nothing.
Published by Jason
on Friday, November 03, 2006 at 3:14 PM. 

Picked up the refrigerator today - we found this on eBay. It's not as large as it looks, only 50" wide, larger than a common residential unit, smaller than a commercial cooler. Sort of inbetween. And again, the sellers were very nice and accommodating. We had to hire movers to get it from Franklin, Mass to Pawtucket, Rhode Island. That cost an extra $200.00 but was well worth it. They moved it in a small pickup truck, like a Ford F150. I was concerned when they didn't show up with a box truck and lift gate. But the guys who piled out of the pickup truck were really big guys. Basically they gently man-handled the unit into the bed of the pickup and again at our end onto our dock. Not a scratch. Though now we have to hire a rigger to get it up to the second floor. I'll take lots of pictures when we move in and hoist it up through the barn doors on the second floor.
Published by Jason
on Thursday, November 02, 2006 at 7:25 PM. 

The scraping continues. We're about 75% of the way through - I say "we" but I mean Taylor really, who is taking over some of the hard work while I concentrate on design and the business. Once the scraping is complete and swept up, we can think about painting. And building.