Published by Jason
on Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 7:46 PM. 

Another day, another mess, another dumpster. Are we really going to get this place cleaned up enough to live and sleep in? I tossed old drywall and 2 x 4's into the dumpster along with a bit of trash that was piling up. Now I'm working on cleaning up the ceiling. You can see in the picture how much crap is attached to the ceiling: lights, ceiling fans, conduit, old conduit, even older insulated cables attached right to the ceiling with copper staples. That stuff is scary: Like attaching an extension cord with a stapler. Ran into our Architect at Whole Foods today. Providence is such a small town, you pretty much can run into just about everyone you know if you spend enough time in Whole Foods. Also made it to the grand opening of the Providence Place Apple Store. They gave us a pretty t-shirt. Thanks Apple.
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