Published by Jason
on Wednesday, October 18, 2006 at 2:48 PM. 

I was pretty excited to come across a site called
"The Loft Critic" until I poked around a bit. Is this site for real? Not sure. The site seems to want to push readers towards their advertisers. There's not much in the way of content. Though the definitions for "Hard Loft" and "Soft Loft" were interesting - did you know a soft loft may have carpet? No way? Way!
Though the site The Loft Critic hasn't been running that long, it is a great up and coming site to which we hope to post more content in the future. We apologize if you felt there was a lack of content. The passion we have for lofts and the rich history behind true lofts as well as conversion projects is long standing.
We're always looking for anyone who would like to contribute to the site to help it grow! Tell us what you'd like to see and perhaps we can get it done!